A setting is the time, place and social environment in which a film is set in, and helps to initiate the backdrop of a narrative. It include...

Dialogue is written or spoken language exchanged between two or more people. Despite dialogue being used in the majority of films today, it ...

Despite having a brief idea of the genre and content of my film opening, I know that it's target audience will refer to teenagers around...

A target audience is a particular group at which a product such as a film is aimed at. There are several kind of targets audiences portrayed...

During one lesson, a task was set  to put 9 boxes in a diamond, to show which ones were the most important aspects within a film. I decided...

Characters in the opening two minutes of a film provide a high level of importance. However, characters are not always needed within this ti...

What does the term mean by 'breaking the fourth wall'? Breaking the fourth wall is when characters in films talk to the audience, me...

'The Edge' In my opinion, I thought that 'The Edge' was a fantastic example of an AS media studies piece of wor...

Diegetic and non-diegetic sound have been used in almost every movie to this day. Sound is used in film to heighten a particular mood, to pr...

This blog post is about different types of camera shots and angles and the effects they possess. Having a variety of camera shots can make a...

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