Classroom task: Diamond 9

During one lesson, a task was set  to put 9 boxes in a diamond, to show which ones were the most important aspects within a film. I decided...

During one lesson, a task was set  to put 9 boxes in a diamond, to show which ones were the most important aspects within a film.

I decided to put 'Demonstrate creativity and originality' at the top of the diamond. This is because I see creativity and originality as the most significant aspects of a film, and are the key assets that makes the film stand out compared to others. If a movie had no diversity to it, the audience would struggle to engage, enjoy, and watch the footage. What makes a film fantastic and memorable, in my opinion, is whether the film has unique and interesting mi-en-scene. It is incredibly difficult to come up with an idea of a film that is different to published blockbusters - therefore, it makes a film positively acknowledged if it successfully manages to accomplish this.

I placed 'Use a variety of camera shots/angles' and 'Ensure your audience 'gets it' ' on the second to top row of my diamond. Using a variation of camera shots/angles helps the film flow, create mood, express the setting, and be more captivating to watch. I also think that its important for your audience to 'get' the concept of the film. This is because confusion portrayed by the audience can cause a distasteful outlook on the film, resulting in dropping ratings and profit. A confusing storyline/dialogue can also limit the age range of the audience and make it less enjoyable, as the viewer may focus on understanding  the film more than noticing the eventful scenes.

Next, I put 'Introduce a setting', 'Introduce character(s)', and 'Use dialogue' in the centre row of my diamond. I think it is crucial for the setting and characters to be introduced within the film. Otherwise, the audience will be unable to identify and refer specific characters, and they would be confused where the location/time period the film is set in. Dialogue, on the other hand, is not always crucial to emphasise a setting/character(s), as many silent films (e.g. 'The Artist') are successful. However, I still see it as an important feature of a film because it certainly makes a video more easy to comprehend, as well as it expressing a character's ingenuity.

Afterwards, I selected 'Start at the beginning' and 'Give an indication of genre'  for the second to last row on my diamond diagram. My opinion towards these segments are mixed, as at the same time, I see them as being important yet not as important as the other boxes above them. Whether a film starts at the beginning/gives an indication of genre or not, It highly depends how well the overall film has been created. It can be a difficult task to work from a film that started from an ending, yet many films have actually managed to do this to a victorious extent.  Whether a film gives an indication of genre or not, it can still be good. There are many films I love and enjoy watching, which do not give an obvious implication of genre. However, a simple direction of genre within a movie can make it easier to discover through media streaming providers, such as Netflix, that categories films and programmes though genres.

Finally, at the bottom of my diamond, I placed the box 'Indents, Titles and opening credits used effectively'. This is because they portray the few minutes of a film which the audience do not always pay much attention to, or even skip. Therefore, I see the film itself as being highly important in comparison to the credits and indents, as it is where the storyline and characters are expressed.

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