Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you think you have learnt in the progression from it to your main product? Preliminary T...

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Of course, technology was a very significant facto...

How does your media product represent particular social groups? As a whole, my media products represents male and female teenagers who are...

Question 4: Who would be the audience of your media product? Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Clueless (1995) The Opening sequence of Clueless begins with various shots & scenes of a girl (Cher)'s everyday life, one of ...

My rough cut was shown to my media class. Overall, people responded well to my rough cut and mentioned how they were pleased with the outcom...

This is the rough cut for my film opening, 'Hoodwinked'. I have managed to cut each shots down efficiently so they all fit in the r...

Name: Emma Grenier  Age: Sixteen Nationality: It is unknown where Clara really is from, but her adopted parents raised her in...

Our class's task was to recreate the opening sequence of the film Submarine. We had to do this by casting an actor, find locations, reco...

Filming day 1: Monday 15th February 2015 I wrote about how filming on this day on my 'Filming Review' blog post. As...

In my film opening, my characters will be wearing the following costumes for certain scenes: Scene 1: Phone call scene - Casual clothing ...

Character casting As my film opening is a thriller/drama, it is based around a serious and realistic concept, that can happen in an area ...

Featured in the video, are the questions we asked 4 students (In order: Yasmin, Josie, Sophie and Ellamae) in our year group and their resp...

Characters featuring in my 2 minute opening Polly Edwards Age: 18 Profession: Year 13 A Level Student Likes: Polly loves music...

Final Locations For my final locations, It is conducted that I will be using the inside and outside of my friend Charlotte's house (w...

Story Board draft

Changes of Script's first draft Added more kisses to Liam's message to Polly. This is so that Liam would perceive a more flirtat...

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