Character Profile task

Name: Emma Grenier  Age: Sixteen Nationality: It is unknown where Clara really is from, but her adopted parents raised her in...

Name: Emma Grenier 

Age: Sixteen

Nationality: It is unknown where Clara really is from, but her adopted parents raised her in Québec, Canada

Profession: Student

Marital Status: Single

Emma is an introverted person. She rarely socialises with anyone outside of school as she prefers her own company. She lives in a forest so she often spends time sitting on a tree branch and drawing her surroundings/reading. Emma is fascinated about nature and is always keen to explore the rural environment in which she has access to. This makes her environmentally conscious as she believes she is connected to the forest and its species. Emma does not have many friends as it takes a while for her to feel comfortable opening up to someone. Emma is usually a content person as she believes in spirituality & shows an interest towards intellectual spirituality theories. Therefore, she is always treats others with respect, yet many people see her as being rude/moody because she prefers not speaking to anyone. Emma's greatest fear is the forest that she lives in being cut down for habilitation. 

How do they speak?

The occasional times Emma decides to speak, her voice is very tranquil and delicate. It is quiet and medium-high pitch. Emma does not swear as she was brought up to speak in an educated manner - her classmates often take advantage of this and tease her for acting so mature. Due to her shyness, Emma looks down at the floor when being spoken to as she feels uncomfortable when making eye contact. Emma does not use long, fancy words, as she usually replied with short yet significant sentences. Emma also has a Québecois accent.

What does the character like/dislike?

My character likes chill-out music, including electronica, ambient and classical genres. Emma does not eat much and is vegetarian, therefore she would prefer to go with an healthy option in a restaurant. Emma is not very sporty but she loves going on adventures and spends an excessive amount of her time walking, cycling and climbing trees. She is fascinated about the world around her so she could certainly prefer to go on a sightseeing holiday where she can discover the history of a place. Emma is also fond of both modern and traditional art as she is able to see the beauty in both the world and human creations - apart from when they destroy the planet. Her most treasured possession is a pair of earrings she was wearing when she was adopted - they are the only objects she still has from her real parents.

What do they do?

Emma is a student at her local high school. She is currently unemployed yet she is searching for recruitment. However, it is very hard for her to get a job as she struggles with talking at interviews. Emma is very talented at writing fantasy stories and often gets ideas from the surroundings around her house. She loves the fact that she can express her inner emotions through characters and dialogue. She aspires to become an author one day. 

Where do they live?

Emma and her adopted parents live in a 19th century country house in a forest in Québec, Canada. Emma loves where she lives and the area its based in, but her adopted parents desperately want to move house to somewhere more urban. 

Who do they know?

Emma does not really know a lot of people as she does not have many friends/family members. She does not know who her real parens are and she hopes to look for them one day when she is older. Emma has never had a relationship, nor do they really appeal to her. Emma is close to her adopted parents, yet she still finds it hard to believe that 2 years ago they told her they were not her real parents. The person Emma is closest to is a girl called Lea, who both hold very similar values  in terms of socialising. 

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