
Characters featuring in my 2 minute opening Polly Edwards Age: 18 Profession: Year 13 A Level Student Likes: Polly loves music...

Characters featuring in my 2 minute opening

Polly Edwards

Age: 18
Profession: Year 13 A Level Student
Likes: Polly loves music and often attends many concerts. Recently, she began having guitar lessons.  She also has an eye for creativity and has an interest for all styles of art. Polly is determined to achieve good grades in school and reach her future goals of becoming an album cover artist.
Dislikes: Polly hates being lied to and disrespected, therefore she strives to treat people nicely in the first place. She hates social stereotypes and feels strongly about feminism and injustice.
History: Polly has a dark and troublesome family history as lives with her mum. She moved from Manchester to Norfolk with her to have a fresh start. Apart from this, Polly does not behold too much significant history as she aims to be on good terms with everyone and everything.
Personality Traits: Polly is rather gullible and is easily convinced. This made her an easy target for Millie's and Liam's concept. At times she is influenced by her friends to be rather rebellious but Polly is eventually guided by her long term motivations.
Friendship Groups: Polly is part of a close unit friendship group and prefers not to associate herself in larger crowds. Polly and her friends often go on adventures and are not afraid to get into trouble. Polly goes to the same school as Millie but they are not in the same friendship groups.
Influences: Polly's friends provide a strong influence to her as she hates feeling left out of opportunities.
3 Words to Describe them: Compassionate, naïve, reflective

Millie Prescott

Age: 17
Profession: Year 13 A Level Student
Likes: Millie enjoys listening to rock music and watching anime. Despite having an active social life, Millie likes to stay indoors and laze about.
Dislikes: Millie hates not getting her own way, as well as disappointment and failure in what she does.
History: Millie moved over to England from Asia when she was 3.  Millie has history with both Polly and Liam. Millie is close friends with Polly and has always been jealous of her expensive possessions.  This convinced her to rob her house. Millie has also known of Liam for a long time yet she has only spoken to him a few times. However, she is also jealous that Polly and Liam are talking to each other and knows that if Polly finds out that Liam was part of the robbery, Polly will end things between them.
Personality Traits: Millie can easily be perceived as someone who is kind, sweet and understandable. She is aware that she is like that and deliberately tries to be liked.  However, Millie transforms into a manipulative and malicious person if someone does something she does not agree with. She is sly and she knows exactly how to change people's perception of someone.
Friendship Groups: Millie is in a different friendship group to Polly, which means that they are not as close as they used to be. Millie hangs around with a large group of girls who are seen as the bitchy and popular group in their friendship school.
Influences: Millie is highly influenced by her parents and older sister, who also have a tendency to be deceitful. Apart from that, Millie is not really influenced by other things except dramatic films and television shows. Her friendly side influences other people around her.
3 Words to Describe them: Mysterious, emotional, duplicitous

Liam Chapman 

Profession: Year 13 A Level Student
Likes: Liam is quite optimistic so he likes a lot of things in general. However, he has similar preferences and interests to Polly. He likes seeing live bands, abstract art and marvel films. He is not like other everyday teenage boys who like football/sports and video games.  
Dislikes: Similar to his interests, Liam does not have any strong, negative feelings towards things. However, if there is something or someone that irritates Liam, he gets very angry, argumentative, impatient and sulky.
History: In some ways, Liam is someone who has a very basic history. He has lived in the same house throughout his entire life, and he is close to his parents and siblings. Nothing crucial/serious has happened to him and his family in a long time. On the other hand, Liam has a tedious and promiscuous history with girls online. He has never committed anything outrageous but he is not someone who can be trusted. This is because he is easily influenced by opportunities/rewards that convince him to do bad things. For example, Liam was sucked into Millie's plan that targets Polly as she promised him that she will give him a significant amount of money, which she aims to receive from selling Polly's possessions.
Personality traits: In general, Liam is someone who is known to be kind and loyal to his friends. However, as stated above, Liam can easily get carried away and can be perceived as someone who cannot manage a serious relationship. This is because he enjoys the satisfaction he gets from girls, and finds using dating apps an easy way to talk to them. Liam looks rather innocent but he appears to be quite the opposite.
Friendship groups: Liam is the most sensible member of his friendship group, who are known to be the 'lads' of his year group. They are called this as  they often get drunk, go to parties and mess around.
Influences: Liam's friends and Millie are huge influences to him and his actions. His ego and appearance also influence him to feel over confident when speaking to girls and to assure that he can get what he wants.
3 Words to describe them: Flirtatious, cunning, charming

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